Deque Implementation
Prerequisite Knowledge
Before reading this article, you should first learn about:
Basic Principles
If you have understood the content explained earlier, there isn't much left to discuss about the deque. The main distinction of a deque, compared to a standard queue (FIFO - First In First Out queue), is that it offers additional operations:
class MyDeque<E> {
// insert element at the head, time complexity O(1)
void addFirst(E e);
// insert element at the tail, time complexity O(1)
void addLast(E e);
// remove element from the head, time complexity O(1)
E removeFirst();
// remove element from the tail, time complexity O(1)
E removeLast();
// peek at the head element, time complexity O(1)
E peekFirst();
// peek at the tail element, time complexity O(1)
E peekLast();
template<typename E>
class MyDeque {
// insert element from the front, time complexity O(1)
void addFirst(E e);
// insert element from the back, time complexity O(1)
void addLast(E e);
// remove element from the front, time complexity O(1)
E removeFirst();
// remove element from the back, time complexity O(1)
E removeLast();
// look at the front element, time complexity O(1)
E peekFirst();
// look at the back element, time complexity O(1)
E peekLast();
class MyDeque:
# insert an element at the front, time complexity O(1)
def add_first(self, e):
# insert an element at the back, time complexity O(1)
def add_last(self, e):
# remove an element from the front, time complexity O(1)
def remove_first(self):
# remove an element from the back, time complexity O(1)
def remove_last(self):
# peek at the front element, time complexity O(1)
def peek_first(self):
# peek at the back element, time complexity O(1)
def peek_last(self):
// MyDeque represents a deque (double-ended queue) data structure
type MyDeque[E any] struct {
// insert an element at the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyDeque[E]) AddFirst(e E) {
// insert an element at the back of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyDeque[E]) AddLast(e E) {
// remove an element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyDeque[E]) RemoveFirst() E {
// remove an element from the back of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyDeque[E]) RemoveLast() E {
// peek at the front element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyDeque[E]) PeekFirst() E {
// peek at the back element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyDeque[E]) PeekLast() E {
var MyDeque = function() {
// insert element at the front, time complexity O(1)
this.addFirst = function(e) {};
// insert element at the rear, time complexity O(1)
this.addLast = function(e) {};
// remove element from the front, time complexity O(1)
this.removeFirst = function() {};
// remove element from the rear, time complexity O(1)
this.removeLast = function() {};
// peek at the front element, time complexity O(1)
this.peekFirst = function() {};
// peek at the rear element, time complexity O(1)
this.peekLast = function() {};
A standard queue allows element insertion only at the back and element removal only from the front. In contrast, a deque (double-ended queue) allows insertion and removal of elements at both the front and the back.
A regular queue is similar to standing in line to buy tickets: first come, first served. A deque, however, is like a pedestrian bridge where you can enter and exit freely from both ends. Naturally, elements in a deque do not adhere to the "first in, first out" principle due to its flexibility.
In algorithmic problem-solving, deques are not used extensively. They are more commonly utilized in Python since the Python standard library does not include built-in stack and queue implementations, often using a deque to simulate a standard queue.
Implementing a Deque with a Linked List
It's quite straightforward; you can directly reuse our previously implemented MyLinkedList
or use the standard library's LinkedList
. A doubly linked list inherently supports time complexity for adding and removing elements at both ends of the list:
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class MyListDeque<E> {
private LinkedList<E> list = new LinkedList<>();
// insert element at the head of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addFirst(E e) {
// insert element at the tail of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addLast(E e) {
// remove element from the head of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeFirst() {
return list.removeFirst();
// remove element from the tail of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeLast() {
return list.removeLast();
// peek at the head element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E peekFirst() {
return list.getFirst();
// peek at the tail element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E peekLast() {
return list.getLast();
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyListDeque<Integer> deque = new MyListDeque<>();
System.out.println(deque.removeFirst()); // 2
System.out.println(deque.removeLast()); // 4
System.out.println(deque.peekFirst()); // 1
System.out.println(deque.peekLast()); // 3
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
template<typename E>
class MyListDeque {
std::list<E> list;
// insert element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addFirst(const E &e) {
// insert element from the back of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addLast(const E &e) {
// remove element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeFirst() {
E firstElement = list.front();
return firstElement;
// remove element from the back of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeLast() {
E lastElement = list.back();
return lastElement;
// peek at the front element, time complexity O(1)
E peekFirst() {
return list.front();
// peek at the back element, time complexity O(1)
E peekLast() {
return list.back();
int main() {
MyListDeque<int> deque;
std::cout << deque.removeFirst() << std::endl; // 2
std::cout << deque.removeLast() << std::endl; // 4
std::cout << deque.peekFirst() << std::endl; // 1
std::cout << deque.peekLast() << std::endl; // 3
return 0;
package main
import (
type MyListDeque struct {
list *list.List
func NewMyListDeque() *MyListDeque {
return &MyListDeque{list: list.New()}
// Insert element at the front, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyListDeque) AddFirst(e interface{}) {
// Insert element at the end, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyListDeque) AddLast(e interface{}) {
// Remove element from the front, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyListDeque) RemoveFirst() interface{} {
if elem := d.list.Front(); elem != nil {
return d.list.Remove(elem)
return nil
// Remove element from the end, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyListDeque) RemoveLast() interface{} {
if elem := d.list.Back(); elem != nil {
return d.list.Remove(elem)
return nil
// Peek the front element, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyListDeque) PeekFirst() interface{} {
if elem := d.list.Front(); elem != nil {
return elem.Value
return nil
// Peek the end element, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyListDeque) PeekLast() interface{} {
if elem := d.list.Back(); elem != nil {
return elem.Value
return nil
func main() {
deque := NewMyListDeque()
fmt.Println(deque.RemoveFirst()) // 2
fmt.Println(deque.RemoveLast()) // 4
fmt.Println(deque.PeekFirst()) // 1
fmt.Println(deque.PeekLast()) // 3
# Use Python's deque to simulate a doubly linked list
from collections import deque
class MyListDeque:
def __init__(self):
self.deque = deque()
# insert element at the front, time complexity O(1)
def add_first(self, e):
# insert element at the back, time complexity O(1)
def add_last(self, e):
# remove element from the front, time complexity O(1)
def remove_first(self):
return self.deque.popleft()
# remove element from the back, time complexity O(1)
def remove_last(self):
return self.deque.pop()
# peek at the front element, time complexity O(1)
def peek_first(self):
return self.deque[0]
# peek at the back element, time complexity O(1)
def peek_last(self):
return self.deque[-1]
# usage example
my_deque = MyListDeque()
print(my_deque.remove_first()) # 2
print(my_deque.remove_last()) # 4
print(my_deque.peek_first()) # 1
print(my_deque.peek_last()) # 3
class MyListDeque {
constructor() {
// JavaScript does not provide a doubly linked list, so we use an array to simulate it
// however, note that the time complexity of inserting
// and deleting elements at the head of an array is O(n),
// so the time complexity of the addFirst and removeFirst methods below should be O(n)
// If you manually implement a doubly linked
// list, the complexity of all methods will be
this.deque = [];
// insert element at the front, time complexity O(1)
addFirst(e) {
// insert element at the back, time complexity O(1)
addLast(e) {
// remove element from the front, time complexity O(1)
removeFirst() {
return this.deque.shift();
// remove element from the back, time complexity O(1)
removeLast() {
return this.deque.pop();
// peek at the front element, time complexity O(1)
peekFirst() {
return this.deque[0];
peekLast() {
return this.deque[this.deque.length - 1];
// usage example
const myDeque = new MyListDeque();
console.log(myDeque.removeFirst()); // 2
console.log(myDeque.removeLast()); // 4
console.log(myDeque.peekFirst()); // 1
console.log(myDeque.peekLast()); // 3
Implementing a Deque with an Array
It's quite simple. We can directly reuse the methods provided by the CycleArray
, which we implemented in Circular Array Techniques. The complexity of adding or removing elements from the front or back of a circular array is :
class MyArrayDeque<E> {
private CycleArray<E> arr = new CycleArray<>();
// insert element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addFirst(E e) {
// insert element from the end of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addLast(E e) {
// remove element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeFirst() {
return arr.removeFirst();
// remove element from the end of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeLast() {
return arr.removeLast();
// peek at the front element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E peekFirst() {
return arr.getFirst();
// peek at the end element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E peekLast() {
return arr.getLast();
template <typename E>
class CycleArray {
void addFirst(E e);
void addLast(E e);
E removeFirst();
E removeLast();
E getFirst();
E getLast();
template <typename E>
class MyArrayDeque {
CycleArray<E> arr;
// insert element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addFirst(E e) {
// insert element from the end of the deque, time complexity O(1)
void addLast(E e) {
// remove element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeFirst() {
return arr.removeFirst();
// remove element from the end of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E removeLast() {
return arr.removeLast();
// peek at the front element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E peekFirst() {
return arr.getFirst();
// peek at the end element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
E peekLast() {
return arr.getLast();
class MyArrayDeque:
def __init__(self):
self.arr = CycleArray()
# insert element from the front, time complexity O(1)
def add_first(self, e):
# insert element from the back, time complexity O(1)
def add_last(self, e):
# remove element from the front, time complexity O(1)
def remove_first(self):
return self.arr.remove_first()
# remove element from the back, time complexity O(1)
def remove_last(self):
return self.arr.remove_last()
# peek at the front element, time complexity O(1)
def peek_first(self):
return self.arr.get_first()
# peek at the back element, time complexity O(1)
def peek_last(self):
return self.arr.get_last()
// MyArrayDeque is a generic deque implemented using a CycleArray
type MyArrayDeque[E any] struct {
arr CycleArray[E]
// NewMyArrayDeque creates a new MyArrayDeque
func NewMyArrayDeque[E any]() *MyArrayDeque[E] {
return &MyArrayDeque[E]{arr: CycleArray[E]{}}
// insert element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyArrayDeque[E]) AddFirst(e E) {
// insert element from the back of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyArrayDeque[E]) AddLast(e E) {
// remove element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyArrayDeque[E]) RemoveFirst() E {
return d.arr.RemoveFirst()
// remove element from the back of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyArrayDeque[E]) RemoveLast() E {
return d.arr.RemoveLast()
// view the front element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyArrayDeque[E]) PeekFirst() E {
return d.arr.GetFirst()
// view the back element of the deque, time complexity O(1)
func (d *MyArrayDeque[E]) PeekLast() E {
return d.arr.GetLast()
var MyArrayDeque = function() {
this.arr = new CycleArray();
// insert element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
this.addFirst = function(e) {
// insert element from the end of the deque, time complexity O(1)
this.addLast = function(e) {
// remove element from the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
this.removeFirst = function() {
return this.arr.removeFirst();
// remove element from the end of the deque, time complexity O(1)
this.removeLast = function() {
return this.arr.removeLast();
// view the element at the front of the deque, time complexity O(1)
this.peekFirst = function() {
return this.arr.getFirst();
// view the element at the end of the deque, time complexity O(1)
this.peekLast = function() {
return this.arr.getLast();