Chapter Introduction
This chapter will discuss most of the binary tree problems on LeetCode, using the "traverse" and "decompose" problem-solving approaches summarized in the previous article Core Principles of Binary Tree Algorithms. These methods will help readers reinforce their understanding through numerous practice problems, using binary trees as a starting point to deeply understand recursive algorithms and laying a foundation for the algorithms introduced in later chapters.
For readers with ample time, I highly recommend working through the exercises in this chapter. It would be beneficial to try solving them by hand. Do not be intimidated by the number of problems; as long as you proficiently use the correct thinking patterns, these exercises can be tackled easily, allowing you to build confidence.
For readers with limited time, if you have understood the previous articles about binary trees, you may skip the exercises in this chapter and proceed to later sections. However, if you have time in the future, it is advisable to revisit the binary tree exercises.
Trust me, mastering the structure of binary trees will make your journey in learning algorithms significantly more efficient.