How to Think About Data Structure and Algorithm
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How to Read This Article
This article abstracts and summarizes many algorithms, so it includes a lot of links to other articles.
For first-time readers, do not perform a deep dive into this article. If you encounter algorithms you haven't learned or parts you don't understand, just skip them. Simply get a general impression of the theories summarized in this article. As you continue learning algorithm techniques on this site, you will gradually understand the essence of this article. When you come back to read it again later, you will gain deeper insights.
Over the past few years, through continuous practice, reflection, and writing tutorials, my understanding of algorithms has gradually deepened. So today, I am writing another article, integrating multiple previous articles, and condensing my years of experience and thoughts into 7000 words to share with all of you.
This article mainly has two parts: one is my understanding of the essence of data structures and algorithms, and the other is a summary of various commonly used algorithms. The article doesn't contain much hardcore code; it's mostly my experience. It may not be very sophisticated, but it will surely help you avoid pitfalls and gain a more thorough understanding and mastery of algorithms.
Summary of All Data Structures and Algorithms in a Few Sentences
All data structures are transformations of arrays (sequential storage) and linked lists (linked storage).
The key aspects of data structures are traversal and access, including basic operations like addition, deletion, search, and modification.
All algorithms are forms of brute-force.
The key to brute-force is no omission and no redundancy. Mastering algorithm frameworks ensures no omissions; fully utilizing information ensures no redundancy.
Truly understanding the above sentences eliminates the need to read this article's 7,000 words or the dozens of algorithm tutorials and exercises on this site.
If you do not understand, I will explain these two sentences in the following thousands of words and the subsequent dozens of articles and exercises. Keep these two sentences in mind while learning to significantly enhance learning efficiency.
Storage Methods of Data Structures
There are only two storage methods for data structures: Array (Sequential Storage) and Linked List (Linked Storage).
How should we understand this statement? Aren't there other data structures such as hash tables, stacks, queues, heaps, trees, graphs, etc.?
When analyzing issues, it's essential to have a recursive mindset, moving from the top down, from abstraction to concreteness. Listing many structures at the start overlooks that these belong to higher-level constructs, whereas arrays and linked lists form the foundational structure. All those diverse data structures ultimately originate from special operations on linked lists or arrays, differing only in their APIs.
For example, queues and stacks can be implemented using either linked lists or arrays. When using arrays, one must handle the issues of resizing; linked lists do not have this problem but require more memory space to store node pointers.
The two storage methods for graph structures are adjacency lists and adjacency matrices. An adjacency list is a linked list, while an adjacency matrix is a two-dimensional array. Adjacency matrices quickly determine connectivity and allow matrix operations to solve certain problems, but are space-consuming for sparse graphs. Adjacency lists save space, though many operations are less efficient than with adjacency matrices.
A hash table maps keys to a large array using a hash function. To resolve hash collisions, the chaining method uses linked list characteristics, which simplifies operations but requires extra space for pointers; the linear probing method utilizes array characteristics for continuous addressing, eliminating the need for pointer storage, but the operations are slightly more complex.
In tree structures, using an array results in a "heap" since a heap is a complete binary tree, and storing it in an array requires no node pointers, simplifying operations. A classic example is binary heap. Using linked lists results in the common "tree," which is unsuitable for array storage as it may not be a complete binary tree. Therefore, various ingenious designs are derived from this linked list "tree" structure to tackle different problems, such as binary search trees, AVL trees, red-black trees, interval trees, B-trees, and more.
In summary, there are many types of data structures, and you can even invent your own. However, the underlying storage is either arrays or linked lists. Their advantages and disadvantages are as follows:
Array is compactly and continuously stored, allowing random access and quick retrieval of elements via indexing while relatively conserving storage space. However, due to continuous storage, memory space must be allocated in one go, so resizing an array requires reallocating a larger space and copying all data, leading to a time complexity of O(N). Moreover, to insert or delete elements in the middle of an array, all subsequent data must be shifted to maintain continuity, resulting in a time complexity of .
Linked List elements are not continuous but are connected via pointers to the next element's location, avoiding the resizing issues of arrays. If the predecessor and successor of an element are known, the element can be deleted or a new one inserted by manipulating pointers, with a time complexity of . However, due to non-continuous storage space, the corresponding element's address cannot be calculated from an index, prohibiting random access. Each element must store pointers to adjacent elements, consuming relatively more storage space.
Basic Operations of Data Structures
For any data structure, its basic operations are simply traversal + access, which can be further detailed as: add, delete, search, and update.
There are many types of data structures, but their purpose is the same: to efficiently add, delete, search, and update elements in different application scenarios. This is the mission of data structures.
How do we traverse + access? From a high-level perspective, there are only two forms of traversal + access for various data structures: linear and non-linear.
Linear traversal is typically represented by for/while iteration, while non-linear traversal is represented by recursion. More specifically, the following frameworks are used:
Array traversal framework, a typical linear iteration structure:
void traverse(int[] arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// iterate through arr[i]
void traverse(vector<int>& arr) {
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {
// iteratively access arr[i]
def traverse(arr: List[int]):
for i in range(len(arr)):
# iterate over arr[i]
func traverse(arr []int) {
for i := 0; i < len(arr); i++ {
// iterate and access arr[i]
var traverse = function(arr) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
// iterate and access arr[i]
Linked list traversal framework, incorporating both iterative and recursive structures:
// basic singly linked list node
class ListNode {
int val;
ListNode next;
void traverse(ListNode head) {
for (ListNode p = head; p != null; p = {
// iteratively access p.val
void traverse(ListNode head) {
// recursively access head.val
// basic singly-linked list node
class ListNode {
int val;
ListNode* next;
void traverse(ListNode* head) {
for (ListNode* p = head; p != nullptr; p = p->next) {
// iteratively access p->val
void traverse(ListNode* head) {
// recursively access head->val
# basic single linked list node
class ListNode:
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val = None
def traverse(head: ListNode) -> None:
p = head
while p is not None:
# iteratively access p.val
p =
def traverse(head: ListNode) -> None:
# recursively access head.val
// basic singly linked list node
type ListNode struct {
val int
next *ListNode
func traverse(head *ListNode) {
for p := head; p != nil; p = {
// iteratively access p.val
func traverse(head *ListNode) {
// recursively access head.val
// basic single linked list node
class ListNode {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val; = null;
function traverse(head) {
for (var p = head; p != null; p = {
// iteratively access p.val
function traverse(head) {
// recursively access head.val
Binary Tree Traversal Framework, a typical non-linear recursive traversal structure:
// basic binary tree node
class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode left, right;
void traverse(TreeNode root) {
// basic binary tree node
struct TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode* left;
TreeNode* right;
void traverse(TreeNode* root) {
# basic binary tree node
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
self.val = val
self.left = left
self.right = right
def traverse(root: TreeNode):
// basic binary tree node
type TreeNode struct {
val int
left *TreeNode
right *TreeNode
// post-order traversal of binary tree
func traverse(root *TreeNode) {
if root != nil {
// basic binary tree node
class TreeNode {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
var traverse = function(root) {
if (root === null) return;
Do you see the similarity between the recursive traversal of a binary tree and the recursive traversal of a linked list? Also, notice the similarity between the structure of a binary tree and a singly linked list. If you add more branches, can you traverse an N-ary tree?
The binary tree framework can be extended to an N-ary tree traversal framework:
// basic N-ary tree node
class TreeNode {
int val;
TreeNode[] children;
void traverse(TreeNode root) {
for (TreeNode child : root.children)
// basic N-ary tree node
class TreeNode {
int val;
vector<TreeNode*> children;
void traverse(TreeNode* root) {
for (TreeNode* child : root->children)
# basic N-ary tree node
class TreeNode:
val: int
children: List[TreeNode]
def traverse(root: TreeNode) -> None:
for child in root.children:
// basic N-ary tree node
type TreeNode struct {
val int
children []*TreeNode
func traverse(root *TreeNode) {
for _, child := range root.children {
// basic N-ary tree node
var TreeNode = function(val, children) {
this.val = val;
this.children = children;
// traverse N-ary tree
var traverse = function(root) {
for (var i = 0; i < root.children.length; i++) {
Traversal of an N
-ary tree can be extended to graph traversal since a graph is essentially a combination of several N
-ary trees. Worried about cycles in the graph? It's simple, just use a boolean array visited
to mark the nodes, as explained in detail in Graph Traversal.
The so-called framework is a routine. Whether it's adding, deleting, searching, or updating, these codes always follow the same structure. You can use this structure as an outline and add specific code to it based on the particular problem.
The Essence of Algorithms
If I were to summarize in one sentence, I would say the essence of algorithms is "brute-force search".
Some may disagree, questioning if all algorithm problems fundamentally rely on brute-force. Are there no exceptions?
Certainly, there are exceptions. For instance, in problems solvable with a single line of code, these resemble brain teasers where solutions are found through observation and pattern recognition to arrive at the optimal solution. However, these types of algorithm problems are rare and shouldn't be overly concerning. Additionally, cryptographic algorithms and machine learning algorithms do not rely on brute-force but on mathematical principles implemented through programming, thus their essence is mathematical and outside the scope of "data structures and algorithms".
It's worth emphasizing that the "algorithms" worked on by "algorithm engineers" are entirely different from the "algorithms" in "data structures and algorithms". This is to prevent any misunderstanding among beginner readers.
For algorithm engineers, the focus is on mathematical modeling and tuning parameters, where computers are merely tools for computation. In contrast, the focus in data structures and algorithms is on computational thinking, requiring one to simplify real-world problems from a computer's perspective and solve them using appropriate data structures.
Therefore, do not assume that mastering data structures and algorithms will qualify you to be an algorithm engineer, nor think that you don't need to learn them if you don't plan to become one.
Frankly, most development jobs involve working with existing frameworks, rarely dealing with low-level data structures and algorithms. However, another truth is that if you seek a technical position, knowledge of data structures and algorithms is unavoidable, as these are recognized as fundamental skills for programmers.
To differentiate, we might refer to the algorithms studied by algorithm engineers as "mathematical algorithms" and those relevant to coding interviews as "computer algorithms". My content primarily focuses on "computer algorithms".
This explanation should be quite clear. I guess most people's goal is to pass the algorithm test and get a job in development. Therefore, you really don't need much mathematical background; you just need to learn how to use computational thinking to solve problems.
Actually, computational thinking isn't that advanced. Think about the characteristics of a computer. What's the main feature? Speed. Your brain can process one thing per second, whereas a CPU can handle thousands of operations in the same time. So, the computer's way to solve problems is simple: exhaustive search.
When I first started learning, I also thought that computer algorithms were very sophisticated. Whenever I encountered a problem, I would wonder if I could derive a mathematical formula to get the answer instantly.
For example, if you tell someone who hasn't studied computer algorithms that you wrote an algorithm to calculate permutations and combinations, they might think you invented a formula to directly compute all possibilities. But in reality, there's nothing sophisticated about it. I will explain in Backtracking Algorithms for Permutations and Combinations that it essentially involves abstracting all possible permutations and combinations into a multi-branch tree structure, and then writing code to traverse this tree to collect all results. What's so magical about that?
The misunderstanding of computer algorithms might be a "side effect" from studying math. In math, you usually carefully observe, find geometric relationships, set up equations, and then calculate the answer. If you need to perform large-scale enumeration to find the answer, it likely means your problem-solving approach is flawed.
In contrast, the way computers solve problems is the opposite: leave the derivation of mathematical formulas to humans. If you can find some clever theorems, great. If not, just use exhaustive search, as long as the complexity is manageable. Theoretically, if you keep randomly shuffling an array, you'll eventually get a sorted result! Of course, this is not a good algorithm because who knows how long it will take to run.
In technical job tests and interviews, the algorithm questions often involve finding the maximum or minimum value. How do you find it? By enumerating all feasible solutions, you can find the optimal value. Essentially, that's all there is to it.
Challenges of Exhaustive Search
Two Key Points of Exhaustive Search
However, do not assume that exhaustive search is simple. There are two critical challenges: no omissions and no redundancies.
Omissions can lead directly to incorrect answers. For example, if you are asked to find the minimum value and you accidentally omit it during your exhaustive search, the result will be incorrect.
Redundancies can slow down the algorithm's execution. If your code repeats the same calculation process ten times, then your algorithm will be ten times slower, possibly exceeding the time limit set by the evaluation platform.
Why do omissions occur? Because you may not fully understand the algorithm framework and do not know how to write correct exhaustive search code.
Why do redundancies occur? Because you may not be utilizing available information effectively.
Therefore, when faced with an algorithm problem, consider these two dimensions:
1. How to perform exhaustive search? That is, how to exhaustively search for all possible solutions without omission.
2. How to perform a smart exhaustive search? That is, how to avoid all redundant calculations and use the least possible resources to find the answer.
Different types of problems have different challenges. Some problems are hard because of "how to enumerate," while others are hard because of "how to cleverly enumerate."
Which algorithms are challenging because of "how to enumerate"? Generally, recursive problems, such as backtracking algorithms and dynamic programming algorithms.
Let's start with backtracking algorithms. Take the permutation and combination problems we learned in high school as an example. Back then, we could find patterns and deduce permutations and combinations on scratch paper: based on the possible choices for the first position, we fixed the first position and then looked at the possible choices for the second position, and so on. However, without training, it's difficult to use code to enumerate all permutations and combinations because it's hard to abstract this manual enumeration process into a programmable pattern.
First, you need to abstract the permutation and combination problem into a tree. Then, you need to precisely use code to traverse all nodes of this tree, ensuring no nodes are missed or repeated to write correct code. In the following chapters, I will first introduce The Core Framework of Backtracking Algorithms and then solve all subset and permutation combination problems at once in Solving Subset and Permutation Problems with Backtracking.
Dynamic programming is a bit harder than backtracking. Both are essentially enumeration, but their thinking patterns differ. Backtracking uses a "traversal" mindset, while dynamic programming uses a "problem decomposition" mindset.
What is Problem Decomposition Thinking?
I don't need to give a formal example. Just look at a tree and answer me, how many leaves are on the tree?
How do you enumerate them? Count them one by one along the branches? That's possible, but this is the traversal mindset, similar to the manual deduction process of permutations and combinations, which falls under backtracking.
If you have problem decomposition thinking, you should tell me: there is one leaf on the tree and the remaining leaves.
Hearing this answer, you know it's from an algorithm expert.
Some students might ask, how many leaves are in the remaining part? The answer is, there is one leaf and the remaining leaves. Don’t ask further. The answer is in the question itself, and when the time comes, you will naturally understand how many are left.
So, do you understand why I said the difficulty of dynamic programming lies in "how to enumerate"? Normally, people don't think in such a peculiar way, but this method combined with computers is a game-changer. Therefore, you need to practice. Once you master it, you can write algorithms effortlessly, and they will always be correct.
In Core Framework of Dynamic Programming, I explained the process of solving dynamic programming problems. It essentially starts with writing a brute-force solution (state transition equation). Adding a memoization turns it into a top-down recursive solution. With some modifications, it becomes a bottom-up iterative solution. In Dimensionality Reduction in Dynamic Programming, I also discussed how to use space compression techniques to optimize the space complexity of dynamic programming algorithms.
Adding memoization and space compression techniques fall under "how to enumerate smartly". These are fixed patterns and not difficult. When you actually solve dynamic programming problems, you'll realize that you can't even come up with the state transition equation, meaning you can't write the brute-force solution in the first place. Hence, finding the state transition equation (how to enumerate) is the real challenge.
I specifically wrote Designing Dynamic Programming Algorithms: Mathematical Induction to tell you that the core of enumeration is mathematical induction. Clearly define the function, decompose the problem, and then use this definition to recursively solve sub-problems.
What makes an algorithm challenging is "how to smartly perform an exhaustive search." Some well-known non-recursive algorithm techniques fall into this category.
The simplest example is finding an element in a sorted array. Anyone can use a for loop to perform a brute-force search, but the binary search algorithm is a smarter way to perform the search, with better time complexity.
In addition, the previous article on the Union Find algorithm introduces an efficient technique for calculating connected components. Theoretically, to determine if two nodes in a graph are connected, a brute-force search using DFS/BFS would work. However, the Union Find algorithm cleverly uses arrays to simulate tree structures, reducing the complexity of connectivity-related operations to .
These are examples of smart exhaustive search techniques. Experts have invented these methods; once you've learned them, you can use them. Without learning, it's challenging to devise such approaches on your own.
Another example is the greedy algorithm technique. The previous article When Experienced Drivers Learn Greedy Algorithms shows that the greedy algorithm involves identifying certain patterns (formally known as the greedy choice property) in a problem, allowing you to find the answer without exhaustively searching all solutions.
Dynamic programming at least performs a non-redundant exhaustive search for all solutions to find an optimal value. In contrast, a greedy algorithm can find the answer without searching all solutions, which is why, as shown in the article Using Greedy Algorithms to Solve Jump Game, the efficiency of greedy algorithms can surpass dynamic programming. Of course, not all problems have a greedy choice property that allows shortcuts. Therefore, while a complete exhaustive search may be plain and tedious, it is always applicable.
Below, I provide a summary of some common algorithm techniques for your learning and reference.
Array/Singly Linked List Series Algorithms
A common technique for singly linked lists is the two-pointer method, which falls under the category of "smart enumeration." We've summarized all these techniques for you in Singly Linked List Two-Pointer Techniques. It's easy for those who know, and difficult for those who don't.
For example, to determine if a singly linked list has a cycle, the brute-force method might be to use a data structure like a HashSet
to store visited nodes, and if you encounter a duplicate, there's a cycle, right? However, using fast and slow pointers can avoid the need for extra space, representing a smarter way to enumerate.
Common array techniques also involve the two-pointer method, which also falls under "smart enumeration." We've summarized all these techniques in Array Two-Pointer Techniques. It's easy for those who know, and difficult for those who don't.
Firstly, let's talk about binary search techniques, which can be considered as two pointers moving toward the center. If you're asked to find an element in an array, a for
loop with time complexity will definitely work, right? But binary search shows that if the array is sorted, it only requires a complexity of . Isn't this a smarter search method?
The article Detailed Binary Search Framework provides a summary of binary search code templates, ensuring no boundary issues arise. Application of Binary Search summarizes the common traits of problems related to binary search and how to apply the idea of binary search to practical algorithms.
Next, let's discuss sliding window algorithm techniques, which are typical fast and slow two-pointer techniques. Using nested for
loops with time complexity will certainly enumerate all subarrays, and you will find the subarray that meets the requirements. However, in some scenarios, the sliding window algorithm can find the answer with a fast and slow pointer in just time, representing a smarter way of enumeration.
The article Detailed Sliding Window Algorithm Framework introduces the applicable scenarios of the sliding window algorithm and a general code template, ensuring you write correct code. In Sliding Window Exercises, you'll be guided step-by-step on how to use the sliding window framework to solve various problems.
Finally, let's talk about prefix sum techniques and difference array techniques.
If you're frequently asked to calculate the sum of subarrays, using a for
loop each time is definitely feasible, but the prefix sum technique precomputes a preSum
array to avoid looping.
Similarly, if you're frequently asked to perform increment or decrement operations on subarrays, you can use a for
loop each time, but the difference array technique maintains a diff
array to avoid looping.
These are the main techniques for arrays and linked lists, and they're quite standard. Once you've seen them, applying them isn't too difficult. Now, let's move on to some slightly more challenging algorithms.
Binary Tree Series Algorithms
Regular readers are well aware that I have emphasized the importance of binary trees numerous times. The binary tree model serves as the foundation for nearly all advanced algorithms. Particularly, for those who feel their understanding of recursion is lacking, it is crucial to thoroughly practice binary tree-related problems.
In the binary tree section of this site, I will explain 150 binary tree problems using a fixed formula and thought pattern. This will allow me to guide you step-by-step through all types of binary tree problems, helping you quickly master recursive thinking.
As mentioned in Binary Tree Mastery (Guideline), recursive solutions for binary tree problems can be categorized into two main approaches. The first involves traversing the binary tree to derive the answer, while the second involves decomposing the problem to compute the answer. These approaches correspond to the Backtracking Algorithm Core Framework and the Dynamic Programming Core Framework, respectively.
Traversal Thought Pattern
What does it mean to derive an answer by traversing a binary tree?
For instance, consider the problem of calculating the maximum depth of a binary tree, where you need to implement the maxDepth
function. Writing your code in the following manner is entirely acceptable:
class Solution {
// record the maximum depth
int res = 0;
// record the depth of the current node being traversed
int depth = 0;
// main function
int maxDepth(TreeNode root) {
return res;
// binary tree traversal framework
void traverse(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
// reach a leaf node
res = Math.max(res, depth);
// pre-order traversal position
// post-order traversal position
class Solution {
// record the maximum depth
int res = 0;
// record the depth of the current node being traversed
int depth = 0;
// main function
int maxDepth(TreeNode* root) {
return res;
// binary tree traversal framework
void traverse(TreeNode* root) {
if (root == NULL) {
// reached a leaf node
res = max(res, depth);
// pre-order traversal position
// post-order traversal position
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
# record the maximum depth
self.res = 0
# record the depth of the current traversal node
self.depth = 0
def maxDepth(self, root: TreeNode) -> int:
return self.res
def traverse(self, root: TreeNode) -> None:
if not root:
# reached a leaf node
self.res = max(self.res, self.depth)
# pre-order traversal position
self.depth += 1
# post-order traversal position
self.depth -= 1
func maxDepth(root *TreeNode) int {
// res records the maximum depth
// depth records the depth of the current node being traversed
res, depth := 0, 0
traverse(root, &res, &depth)
return res
func traverse(root *TreeNode, res *int, depth *int) {
if root == nil {
// reached a leaf node
*res = max(*res, *depth)
// pre-order traversal position
traverse(root.left, res, depth)
traverse(root.right, res, depth)
// post-order traversal position
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
var maxDepth = function(root) {
// record the maximum depth
let res = 0;
// record the depth of the current node being traversed
let depth = 0;
// main function
function traverse(root) {
if (root === null) {
// reached a leaf node
res = Math.max(res, depth);
// pre-order traversal position
// post-order traversal position
return res;
This logic uses the traverse
function to go through all the nodes of the binary tree, maintaining a depth
variable, and updates the maximum depth at the leaf nodes.
Does this code look familiar to you? Can you see the resemblance to the backtracking algorithm template?
If you're skeptical, compare it with the code for the permutation problem in the Core Framework of Backtracking Algorithms. The backtrack
function is essentially the same as the traverse
function, just with a different name. The overall logic is very similar:
class Solution {
// record all permutations
List<List<Integer>> res = new LinkedList<>();
// record the current permutation being enumerated
LinkedList<Integer> track = new LinkedList<>();
// elements in track will be marked as true to avoid reuse
boolean[] used;
// main function, input a set of unique numbers, return all their permutations
List<List<Integer>> permute(int[] nums) {
used = new boolean[nums.length];
return res;
// the core framework of the backtracking algorithm, traverse
// the backtracking tree, collect all permutations at leaf
void backtrack(int[] nums) {
// reached a leaf node, elements in track form a permutation
if (track.size() == nums.length) {
res.add(new LinkedList(track));
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
// exclude invalid choices
if (used[i]) {
// nums[i] is already in track, skip
// make a choice
used[i] = true;
// enter the next level of the recursion tree
// undo the choice
used[i] = false;
class Solution {
// record all permutations
vector<vector<int>> res;
// record the current permutation being enumerated
vector<int> track;
// elements in track will be marked as true to avoid reuse
vector<bool> used;
// main function, input a set of unique numbers, return their permutations
vector<vector<int>> permute(vector<int>& nums) {
used = vector<bool>(nums.size(), false);
return res;
// core framework of the backtracking algorithm, traverse the
// backtracking tree, collect all permutations on the leaf
void backtrack(vector<int>& nums) {
// reached a leaf node, elements in track form a permutation
if (track.size() == nums.size()) {
for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {
// exclude illegal choices
if (used[i]) {
// nums[i] is already in track, skip
// make a choice
used[i] = true;
// enter the next level of the recursive tree
// undo the choice
used[i] = false;
class Solution:
def permute(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
# record all permutations
res = []
# record the current permutation being enumerated
track = []
# elements in track will be marked as true to avoid reuse
used = [False] * len(nums)
# main function, input a set of unique numbers, return all their permutations
def backtrack(nums):
# reach a leaf node, elements in track form a permutation
if len(track) == len(nums):
for i in range(len(nums)):
# exclude invalid choices
if used[i]:
# nums[i] is already in track, skip
# make a choice
used[i] = True
# enter the next level of the recursion tree
# undo the choice
used[i] = False
return res
func permute(nums []int) [][]int {
// record all permutations
var res [][]int
// record the current permutation being enumerated
var track []int
// elements in track are marked as true to avoid reuse
used := make([]bool, len(nums))
// main function; input a set of distinct numbers and return their permutations
backtrack(nums, &res, &track, used)
return res
// core framework of backtracking algorithm, traverse the
// backtracking tree to collect all permutations at leaf nodes
func backtrack(nums []int, res *[][]int, track *[]int, used []bool) {
// reach a leaf node, elements in track form a permutation
if len(*track) == len(nums) {
tmp := make([]int, len(*track))
copy(tmp, *track)
*res = append(*res, tmp)
for i := 0; i < len(nums); i++ {
// exclude invalid choices
if used[i] {
// nums[i] is already in track, skip it
// make a choice
*track = append(*track, nums[i])
used[i] = true
// enter the next level of the recursion tree
backtrack(nums, res, track, used)
// undo the choice
*track = (*track)[:len(*track)-1]
used[i] = false
var permute = function(nums) {
// record all permutations
let res = [];
// record the current permutation being explored
let track = [];
// elements in track will be marked as true to avoid reuse
let used = new Array(nums.length).fill(false);
// main function, input a set of unique numbers, return their permutations
function backtrack(nums) {
// reached a leaf node, elements in track form a permutation
if (track.length === nums.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
// exclude invalid choices
if (used[i]) {
// nums[i] is already in track, skip it
// make a choice
used[i] = true;
// enter the next level of the recursive tree
// undo the choice
used[i] = false;
return res;
Although the code looks lengthy, isn't it essentially a traversal of a multi-branch tree? Therefore, the core of the backtracking algorithm is traversing a multi-branch tree. As long as you can abstract the problem into a tree structure, you can solve it using the backtracking algorithm.
Problem Decomposition Approach
What does it mean to compute the answer by decomposing the problem?
For example, when calculating the maximum depth of a binary tree, you can also write the following solution:
// definition: input the root node, return the maximum depth of this binary tree
int maxDepth(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
return 0;
// recursively calculate the maximum depth of left and right subtrees
int leftMax = maxDepth(root.left);
int rightMax = maxDepth(root.right);
// the maximum depth of the whole tree is the
// maximum depth of the left and right subtrees plus
int res = Math.max(leftMax, rightMax) + 1;
return res;
// Definition: input the root node, return the maximum depth of the binary tree
int maxDepth(TreeNode* root) {
if (root == nullptr) {
return 0;
// Recursively calculate the maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
int leftMax = maxDepth(root->left);
int rightMax = maxDepth(root->right);
// The maximum depth of the whole tree is the
// maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
int res = max(leftMax, rightMax) + 1;
return res;
# Definition: input the root node, return the maximum depth of this binary tree
def maxDepth(root: TreeNode) -> int:
if root is None:
return 0
# Recursively calculate the maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
leftMax = maxDepth(root.left)
rightMax = maxDepth(root.right)
# The maximum depth of the entire tree is the
# maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
res = max(leftMax, rightMax) + 1
return res
// Definition: input the root node, return the maximum depth of this binary tree
func maxDepth(root *TreeNode) int {
if root == nil {
return 0
// recursively calculate the maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
leftMax := maxDepth(root.left)
rightMax := maxDepth(root.right)
// the maximum depth of the entire tree is the
// maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
res := max(leftMax, rightMax) + 1
return res
// helper function
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
// Definition: input the root node, return the maximum depth of this binary tree
var maxDepth = function(root) {
if (root == null) {
return 0;
// recursively calculate the maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
let leftMax = maxDepth(root.left);
let rightMax = maxDepth(root.right);
// the maximum depth of the entire tree is the
// maximum depth of the left and right subtrees
let res = Math.max(leftMax, rightMax) + 1;
return res;
Do you find this code familiar? Does it remind you of the dynamic programming approach?
Take a look at the brute-force solution for the coin change problem in the Core Framework of Dynamic Programming:
// Definition: input the amount, return the minimum number of coins to make up the amount
int coinChange(int[] coins, int amount) {
// base case
if (amount == 0) return 0;
if (amount < 0) return -1;
int res = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int coin : coins) {
// Recursively calculate the minimum number of coins to make up amount - coin
int subProblem = coinChange(coins, amount - coin);
if (subProblem == -1) continue;
// Minimum number of coins to make up the amount
res = Math.min(res, subProblem + 1);
return res == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : res;
// Definition: input the amount, return the minimum number of coins needed to make up the amount
int coinChange(vector<int>& coins, int amount) {
// base case
if (amount == 0) return 0;
if (amount < 0) return -1;
int res = INT_MAX;
for (int coin : coins) {
// recursively calculate the minimum number of coins needed to make up amount - coin
int subProblem = coinChange(coins, amount - coin);
if (subProblem == -1) continue;
// the minimum number of coins needed to make up the amount
res = min(res, subProblem + 1);
return res == INT_MAX ? -1 : res;
def coinChange(coins: List[int], amount: int) -> int:
# base case
if amount == 0:
return 0
if amount < 0:
return -1
# res is the minimum number of coins to make up the amount
res = float('inf')
for coin in coins:
# recursively calculate the minimum number of coins to make up amount - coin
sub_problem = coinChange(coins, amount - coin)
if sub_problem == -1:
# take the minimum value
res = min(res, sub_problem + 1)
return -1 if res == float('inf') else res
func coinChange(coins []int, amount int) int {
// base case
if amount == 0 {
return 0
if amount < 0 {
return -1
res := math.MaxInt32
for _, coin := range coins {
// recursively calculate the minimum number of coins to make up amount - coin
subProblem := coinChange(coins, amount-coin)
if subProblem == -1 {
// minimum number of coins to make up amount
res = min(res, subProblem+1)
if res == math.MaxInt32 {
return -1
return res
func min(x, y int) int {
if x < y {
return x
return y
var coinChange = function(coins, amount) {
// base case
if (amount === 0) return 0;
if (amount < 0) return -1;
let res = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (let coin of coins) {
// recursively calculate the minimum number of coins to make up amount - coin
let subProblem = coinChange(coins, amount - coin);
if (subProblem === -1) continue;
// the minimum number of coins to make up amount
res = Math.min(res, subProblem + 1);
return res === Number.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : res;
Adding a memo
(memoization) to this brute-force solution turns it into a top-down dynamic programming solution. If you compare it with the solution for finding the maximum depth of a binary tree, don't you find them very similar?
Expanding Ideas
If you understand the difference between the two solutions for the maximum depth problem, let's build on that. Let me ask you, how do you write the pre-order traversal for a binary tree?
I believe everyone will scoff at this question and can write the following code without hesitation:
List<Integer> res = new LinkedList<>();
// return the preorder traversal result
List<Integer> preorder(TreeNode root) {
return res;
// binary tree traversal function
void traverse(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
// preorder traversal position
vector<int> res;
// return the preorder traversal results
vector<int> preorder(TreeNode* root) {
return res;
// binary tree traversal function
void traverse(TreeNode* root) {
if (root == nullptr) {
// preorder traversal position
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
# create a list as the result container
self.res = []
# return the preorder traversal result
def preorder(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
return self.res
# binary tree traversal function
def traverse(self, root: TreeNode) -> None:
if not root:
# position for preorder traversal
// return the preorder traversal result
func preorder(root *TreeNode) []int {
var res []int
traverse(root, &res)
return res
// binary tree traversal function
func traverse(root *TreeNode, res *[]int) {
if root == nil {
// preorder traversal position
*res = append(*res, root.Val)
traverse(root.Left, res)
traverse(root.Right, res)
// return the preorder traversal result
function preorder(root) {
let res = [];
// binary tree traversal function
function traverse(root) {
if (root === null) {
// preorder traversal position
return res;
However, considering the two different thought processes mentioned above, can the traversal of a binary tree also be solved by breaking down the problem?
Let's observe the characteristics of the preorder traversal result of a binary tree:

Notice the result of the preorder traversal: the root node's value is first, followed by the preorder traversal result of the left subtree, and finally the preorder traversal result of the right subtree.
Do you sense anything from this? In fact, you can completely rewrite the preorder traversal code by using a problem decomposition approach:
// Definition: input the root node of a binary tree,
// return the preorder traversal result of this tree
List<Integer> preorder(TreeNode root) {
List<Integer> res = new LinkedList<>();
if (root == null) {
return res;
// The result of preorder traversal, root.val is first
// Followed by the preorder traversal result of the left subtree
// Finally followed by the preorder traversal result of the right subtree
return res;
// Definition: input the root of a binary tree,
// return the preorder traversal result of this tree
vector<int> preorder(TreeNode* root) {
vector<int> res;
if (root == nullptr) {
return res;
// The preorder traversal result, root->val is first
// Followed by the preorder traversal result of the left subtree
vector<int> left = preorder(root->left);
res.insert(res.end(), left.begin(), left.end());
// Finally, followed by the preorder traversal result of the right subtree
vector<int> right = preorder(root->right);
res.insert(res.end(), right.begin(), right.end());
return res;
from typing import List
# Definition: Given the root node of a binary tree,
# return the preorder traversal result of this tree
def preorder(root: TreeNode) -> List[int]:
res = []
if not root:
return res
# In the result of preorder traversal, root.val is the first
# Then append the preorder traversal result of the left subtree
# Finally, append the preorder traversal result of the right subtree
return res
// Definition: Input the root node of a binary tree,
// return the preorder traversal result of this tree
func preorder(root *TreeNode) []int {
res := []int{}
if root == nil {
return res
// The result of preorder traversal, root.val is the first
res = append(res, root.val)
// Followed by the preorder traversal result of the left subtree
res = append(res, preorder(root.left)...)
// Finally followed by the preorder traversal result of the right subtree
res = append(res, preorder(root.right)...)
return res
// Definition: given the root of a binary tree,
// return the preorder traversal result of this tree
var preorder = function(root) {
var res = [];
if (root === null) {
return res;
// In the preorder traversal result, root.val is the first
// Followed by the preorder traversal result of the left subtree
res = res.concat(preorder(root.left));
// Finally followed by the preorder traversal result of the right subtree
res = res.concat(preorder(root.right));
return res;
See, this is how to write a pre-order traversal of a binary tree using the problem decomposition thinking mode. Writing in-order and post-order traversals is similar.
Level Order Traversal
Besides dynamic programming, backtracking (DFS), and divide and conquer, another commonly used algorithm is BFS. The core framework of the BFS algorithm is adapted from the following level order traversal code of a binary tree:
// Input the root node of a binary tree, perform level-order traversal on the binary tree
void levelTraverse(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) return 0;
Queue<TreeNode> q = new LinkedList<>();
int depth = 1;
// Traverse each level of the binary tree from top to bottom
while (!q.isEmpty()) {
int sz = q.size();
// Traverse each node of the level from left to right
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
TreeNode cur = q.poll();
if (cur.left != null) {
if (cur.right != null) {
// input the root node of a binary tree, perform a level order traversal of the tree
int levelTraverse(TreeNode* root) {
if (root == nullptr) return 0;
queue<TreeNode*> q;
int depth = 0;
// traverse each level of the binary tree from top to bottom
while (!q.empty()) {
int sz = q.size();
// traverse each node of the level from left to right
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
TreeNode* cur = q.front();
if (cur->left != nullptr) {
if (cur->right != nullptr) {
return depth;
# input the root of a binary tree, perform level order traversal of this binary tree
class Solution:
def levelOrder(self, root: TreeNode) -> List[List[int]]:
if not root:
return []
q = collections.deque()
res = []
while q:
sz = len(q)
tmp = []
for i in range(sz):
cur = q.popleft()
if cur.left:
if cur.right:
return res
// Input the root node of a binary tree and perform level order traversal of this binary tree
func levelTraverse(root *TreeNode) {
if root == nil {
q := make([]*TreeNode, 0)
q = append(q, root)
depth := 1
// Traverse each level of the binary tree from top to bottom
for len(q) > 0 {
sz := len(q)
// Traverse each node of each level from left to right
for i := 0; i < sz; i++ {
cur := q[0]
q = q[1:]
if cur.Left != nil {
q = append(q, cur.Left)
if cur.Right != nil {
q = append(q, cur.Right)
// input the root node of a binary tree, perform level-order traversal of this binary tree
var levelTraverse = function(root) {
if (root == null) return 0;
var q = [];
var depth = 1;
// traverse each level of the binary tree from top to bottom
while (q.length > 0) {
var sz = q.length;
// traverse each node of each level from left to right
for (var i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
var cur = q.shift();
if (cur.left != null) {
if (cur.right != null) {
Moreover, graph-related algorithms are an extension of binary tree algorithms.
For example, the articles Graph Basics, Cycle Detection and Topological Sorting, and Bipartite Graph Detection Algorithm utilize DFS algorithms. Additionally, the Dijkstra Algorithm Template is a modified BFS algorithm combined with an array similar to a dynamic programming table.
Alright, that’s pretty much it. The essence of these algorithms is exhaustive search on binary (or multi-way) trees. Whenever possible, you can reduce redundant calculations and improve efficiency through techniques like pruning or memoization. That's all there is to it.
Final Summary
Many readers ask me what the correct approach to solving algorithm problems is. I believe the right approach should be such that solving one problem gives you the experience of solving ten. Otherwise, with over 2000 problems on LeetCode, do you plan to solve them all?
So how can you achieve this? You need a framework mindset, learn to extract the key points, and look for the unchanging elements. An algorithmic technique can be wrapped into thousands of problems. If you can see through their essence at a glance, then a thousand problems are equivalent to one, so why waste time doing them all?
This is the power of having a framework, ensuring that even when you're about to fall asleep, you can still write correct programs; even if you haven't learned much, this way of thinking can put you a level above others.
Teaching someone to fish is better than giving them a fish. Algorithms are not difficult; anyone can learn them well with the right mindset. I hope you can develop a systematic way of thinking with me and enjoy mastering algorithms, rather than being controlled by them.
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